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December 2022

19 Milestones That Shape Your Life Story

Capturing the defining moments of life—from joyous milestones to heartbreaking losses—allows us to weave a rich tapestry of stories that connect generations and preserve our shared histories for the future.

Alec Russell

Each life is a unique series of moments that string together to tell a story about who you are. Many moments will be boring. Others will be beautiful. And sadly there will always be tragic moments to deal with. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the day-to-day moments in your life, but often, specific events will punctuate your memory and stand out as major markers in your life story. Milestones like the birth of a child, college graduation, or getting married can be defining moments in life. Milestones like these are also opportunities to capture and preserve the memories and emotions of the day so they can be revisited or shared with others.

You can also get a Remento book to turn your memories into a keepsake book.

Important Milestones Are Worth Sharing With Others

The most joyous part of life is to share it with others. Whether you are reflecting on your own life story or trying to unravel the story of a family member in more detail - recalling major life events is a great way to share and connect. Don’t let important moments slip into distant memory as you or a loved one age. Make sure to capture and preserve stories while those involved are still around to tell them.

Sharing a life story can be done in various ways, such as:

  • Collecting old photographs from a specific event
  • Memorializing memories in writing through letters or a book
  • Safeguarding and passing down heirlooms
  • Saving video footage from the past

However, even if you don't have mementos from the past to commemorate important events, all is not lost. A great way to capture milestones in life is to conduct a family interview. Sit down with a loved one and record a conversation about the most defining moments of your or their life.

To make it simple, consider using a free storytelling app like Remento. Remento gives you science-backed questions specific to the family member or event in question. And it lets you save and share recordings with no editing required.

Life Events That Define You, From Childhood to Adult

While each life is unique, many milestones are common across lives. Shared experiences like these are a chance to bring families together to tell their stories. Even different generations have similar expectations about when important milestones will be hit. So there is a lot shared in common between grandpa and grandson.

Whether you are reflecting on your own life, or appreciating the life of a loved one, below are the most impactful milestones each person may hit as they age:

1. Being born

The birth of a child may be the most defining moment of two lives! Both for the child being born and for the parents. While the debate of nature vs. nurture will never be fully settled, each person is born with a unique blueprint that will define their personality and life journey to come.

2. First words

Similar to a baby’s first steps, the first words you speak are often a defining moment of transition beyond infant-hood.

3. First day of school

The first day of school can be nerve-racking for children and parents alike. Schooling may be the most significant source of socialization with others and therefore an important step that shapes you for the rest of your life.

4. First friend

Real or imaginary, building that first friendship will define your life too. Outside of family, the friends you surround yourself with have an enormous impact on who you are and what you do with your life.

5. First kiss

Almost everyone remembers their first kiss. Early romantic relationships are great stories to reflect on and bring a smile to everyone’s face.

6. Driver’s license

Getting your driver’s license is normally an early marker of independence. Freedom to travel on your own can be liberating and lead to new life experiences.

7. Voting

Voting is another step in life that conveys independence. In the US, your ability to vote coincides with a milestone 18th birthday. At 18 you might have the ability to do other adult things (like buy cigarettes) but voting is a healthier choice!

8. Falling in love

Remembering the first time you said “I love you” is sure to make your heart beat fast all over again. Your first love might be a short story to tell later in life or the first chapter in a long story with a soulmate.

9. High school graduation

The thrill of throwing a graduation cap into the air is a defining moment for many and signifies a transition to adulthood. Graduating high school is a great opportunity to take stock of accomplishments in life thus far and to look ahead to future goals and aspirations. If you have the privilege to witness a loved one move through this milestone, commemorate the moment by asking meaningful life questions for high school graduates.

10. First job

The first real job landed or dollar earned on your own can be a magnificent feeling. Given the amount of time you spend working, the type of work you do and the work people you spend time with might be defining choices for the rest of your life.

11. Death of a loved one

One of the inescapable tragedies of getting older is losing someone important to you. That’s why it’s so important to cherish the moments and memories you have of loved ones while you can. For example, you might memorialize the life of a grandparent or parent by asking them questions about their lives and recording their answers.

12. College graduation

Another cap and gown moment that you might experience in life is college graduation. For many, college graduation opens the door to the “real world” filled with the challenges of a career, family, and life to come. Capture and preserve the memory of this milestone by recording a family interview with questions for recent college graduates.

13. Marriage

Marriage is a meaningful milestone in your adult life that impacts who you are and how your life will look. Many people agree that who you choose as a partner is the single most important decision of your life.

14. First home

Your first mortgage might be an uncomfortable financial milestone but is a defining life event. The memories you create in your first home will be cherished by you and your family forever.

15. Having children

Having children is one of the last milestones that is commonly associated with reaching adulthood. Children will undoubtedly alter your life story in irreversible ways but are commonly cited as the most rewarding choice in life.

16. Job changes

A big promotion…being laid off…starting your own company. Most people will experience a major change in their career at some point in their life. Sometimes these changes are painful in the moment but turn out to be gifts later in life.

17. Health scares

Death, taxes, and getting sick are unavoidable in life. Unfortunately, many people will experience a major health scare in their own life or the life of a loved one. While these moments can be sad and difficult they often spur the most positive changes. In fact, Remento’s story started with a health crisis in our co-founder’s family.

18. Retirement

Retirement is a life milestone all should hope to hit. Retirement is often a chance to slow down, reflect on what’s important in life and cherish the things you enjoy most.

19. End of life

The end of life may actually be one of the most joyous chapters in your life story. That’s because research shows happiness tends to increase in old age and doesn’t peak until 70 years old or greater. As people near the final chapter, it’s important to preserve their most precious memories and share them with future generations.

Looking Back on a Full Life

Each day presents another opportunity to write a life story filled with significance and connection. Whether you are looking back on your own life events, looking forward to future milestones, or appreciating the path taken by a loved one, it’s never too early to start documenting the journey. Capture and memorialize the most important moments in life so you can share them with generations to come.

Family stories are a gift to all who are touched by them and deserve to be preserved and passed down over time. Use the milestones above (and add your own) to weave together the moments that define who you are.

Want to preserve the stories behind each one?

With Remento, it's never been easier to collect the stories behind memories big and small. You or someone you love will be invited to record an answer to a new prompt about your past each week. Then, Remento turns the recordings into written stories, each of which is printed into a hardcover, keepsake book. Read the book, or scan the QR codes within it to play the recordings. Learn more about Remento today.

Next up: Why Nostalgia is Good for You

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An older woman with short gray hair, sitting comfortably on a white couch, smiling warmly while holding a pink book titled 'Claudette's Best Stories' with a black-and-white photo on the cover. The cozy living room features soft lighting and a large window in the background.

Their stories, forever at your fingertips

Remento’s life story books turn a parent or grandparent’s memories of the past into a keepsake book for the future - no writing required,.

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